The pros & cons of enrolling in an online therapy course

The Pros & Cons of Enrolling In An Online Therapy Course Brighton Holistics Online

High quality online education is now highly accessible. Deciding whether to invest in an online course can be confusing. So, we’ve listed a few pros and cons that could help you decide which route to take.


In today’s world, all you need is a computer and some electrical power. Learning can take place in any environment or time zone. For very busy individuals, online courses can make education more accessible.

Price Differences

Many online training courses offer a low price, due to the fact that they do not need a physical premise. This can be very attractive to many individuals, as it makes education more affordable.

Despite the obvious positives of online education, sadly there are also some negatives…

In Reality, It Just Doesn’t Work

There are hundreds of online massage courses out there, which do not include practical tutorials. Without a tutor present, how can a student learn to apply massage techniques safely? Nevertheless, there are some courses that work well online, such as Anatomy and Physiology, Pathology or Health and Safety.

Lack Of Contact Hours

An accredited, practical course requires “contact hours” – where the tutor and students must meet to cover the practical elements of the training. Online courses that are not accredited or that do not meet the ational standard make it very difficult for therapists to find work and / or insurance to cover them.

Industry Standard

The therapy industry has very clear guidelines that need to be followed. These guidelines are called The National Occupational Standard (NOS) and the Core Curriculum. They list very clearly what each course should entail in regards to content and guided learning hours. The NOS states that a hands-on treatment cannot be taught via an online course these include Body or Sports Massage, Reflexology, Aromatherapy etc. .

You can always contact Brighton Holistics Online by click Here or contact FHT ( to check your course is accredited.



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