4 tips for balancing work and study

4 tips for balancing work and study - From Brighton Holistics Online

4 tips for balancing work and study – From Brighton Holistics Online . We fully understand how difficult it is to balance full-time work, study and a personal life. Whether a “personal life” means keeping an organised home, supporting children or simply having enough time to see friends and family – we understand the challenges. To support you in your training with us, we’ve shared 4 ways to help you organise your time effectively.

  1. Create More Space

Now that you’ve booked your training course, how will this fit into your schedule? On average, we recommend spending x 5 hours a week on study. With this in mind, how many hours do you need to work to meet your financial commitments? Does your employer offer flexi-time or “work from home” options? Would a part-time job be more appropriate? When you have figured out how many hours you need to work; how many hours do you have left for study? If you need more time, what else could you change to make this work for you?

  1. Plan Don’t Cram

Planning your work and study week is essential for a happy learning experience. Before the new week starts, loosely plan out your timetable or diary. Mark out the hours you will be studying, the hours will be spending seeing friends and family, and most importantly – time each day to relax and take care of yourself. To achieve a happy and balanced schedule, we must split our time into: 1/3 work and study, 1/3 rest and 1/3 play – as explained in this diagram.

To achieve this, planning and scheduling is important. As our school teachers used to say: “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail”. We agree with this when it comes to studying whilst working.

  1. The Pomodoro Principle

The Pomodoro technique is like HIIT training for the brain. It involves focusing on the task at hand for 25-minutes, taking a 5-minute break and then repeating the cycle again. The idea behind this principle is that short, sharp bursts of attention, with regular breaks make us more productive. During each break, it’s advised to move, stretch, hydrate, and spend some time outside. This will refresh the mind for the next 25 minutes of focus.

  1. Manage Stress

Find ways to manage your stress levels so that burn-out can be avoided. Prioritise quality sleep, regular exercise, relaxation, nutrient-dense meals and at least 2 litres of water a day. If you are unaware of what the signs of burn-out are, things like: irritability, low mood, higher caffeine intake, low energy, low motivation, a feeling of despair or overwhelm and an increase in hunger or snacking habits are all signs. When we burn-out, we essentially “crash”, just a like a computer that has been overloaded. A regular relaxation routine can help avoid this, whilst also maintaining good energy levels and a happier outlook on life.

We hope that the tips above will help to support your learning experience with us. Remember, we are always available to help if you have any concerns during your course. Please click here to contact Brighton Holistics Online .




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